Boogertman + Partners have exceeded expectations in the SACSC Retail Design & Development Awards (RDDA) announced on Monday the 16th of November. The awards are an initiative of the South African Council of Shopping Centres and seek to annually recognise exceptional Shopping Centre design together with its economic success.
Stimela Crossing, ( Barberton, Mpumalanga ) won in the category of New Developments, and Masingita Mall ( Giyani, Limpopo ) won in the Category of Renovation and Expansions.

“Both projects completed with Masingita Properties, reflect a Rural Retail that has come of age.” says Dewar van Antwerpen, ( Director, Boogertman + Partners ) “In their detail, they raise the quality of life experience, a determined role for Architecture, simultaneously embodying ideas to enable and foster the collective social gathering of a community in a space of some identity. In short they are urban catalysts, drawing people in through a civic space to activate the line shops en route to the anchor tenant.”

The Lillies Quarter ( Hillcrest KZN ) is a finalist in the Category of Renovation and Expansions and Bo’Valon Mall of the South ( Mauritius ) a finalist in the International Category.
All four of these projects demonstrate the levels of design detail and theming that contribute to retail centres becoming experiential destinations that elevate the shopping experience for the end-user. From Bo Vallon’s crafted sailboat theming which includes tailor-made bentwood and oar light features to the central tree courtyard in Masingita Mall, the repurposing of timber cleared from the site into seating and the distinctive pergola at Stimela Crossing and the wider walkways with feature installations at Lillies Quarter, the design teams at Boogertman + Partners have sensitively responded to each context and community need.
“The ability to draw on existing knowledge while pushing design boundaries is important for the Boogertman + Partners practice. The business is structured as a collective of specialists that share group expertise in a sector while dedicated teams can respond to the specifics of individual briefs.” concludes van Antwerpen. “In this way the client benefits from the wisdom of experience with the innovation of new thinking.”